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Form 4626 Virginia Fairfax: What You Should Know

Board Policy β€” School Code (July 1, 2018); Board Policy β€” School Code (August 14, 2018). In the last few years sexual harassment in Virginia schools has come under increased scrutiny. In Virginia, sex offenses are prosecuted by local law enforcement units. When the victim is a victim of a sex offense, he or she will have to file a petition with the prosecutor's office. The district prosecutor will determine if the crime is considered a misdemeanor or a felony. If a child is charged under Virginia's sex offense laws and the charge is felony, the student may be expelled. In contrast, a student convicted of a misdemeanor sex offense may face expulsion on the recommendation of the school. The purpose of the School Code Amendments β€” Student Rights and Privacy Act is to ensure that students areΒ  protected from sexual advances and behaviors that are sexually harassing, unwelcome, and/or are a source of emotional distress. This policy is designed to protect and promote the rights of all Virginia students. In addition, it is a matter of school policy to develop policies that prohibit sexual harassment. These school actions are intended to establish standards of conduct that are not only appropriate, but in keeping with the values of a progressive, free society. The purpose of the policy is to create policies and procedures for school districts to ensure that all students in the schools have a safe, respectful, and supportive environment that allows each student to express his or her individuality and to enjoy the school environment without harassment or other inappropriate conduct such as sexual and other bullying. Policies shall also address sexual harassment, unwelcome sexual advances, physical and verbal harassment, discriminatory and demeaning language, and sexual assault. All school staff should have an understanding of and be able to implement these policies. The School Code Amendments β€” Student Rights and Privacy Act is a common-sense, school-wide policy which does not violate the privacy or individual rights of any particular individual.

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